Waikato Community OrganisationsIf you would like to list your Community Organisation on this page, or update your organisations details, please enter the details of your organisation eg name, ph, website and address into our Contact Form and let us know the Area page that you would like to be added to.
A - D Birthright 1000 Victoria Street, Hamilton Ph: (07) 838 0572 Text: 027 238 0572 www.birthrightwaikato.org.nz Citizens Advice Bureau 55 Victoria Street, Hamilton Ph: (07) 839 0395 www.cab.org.nz E - I NZ Family Court http://www.justice.govt.nz/courts/family-court/ Family Works 100 Morrinsville Road, Hamilton Ph: (07) 858 4413 www.northern.familyworks.org.nz Family Budgeting Services http://www.familybudgeting.org.nz/ Inland Revenue 0800 227 774 www.ird.govt.nz J - N Kidz Need Dadz 538 Fraser Street, Tauranga Ph: (07) 571 0379 www.kidzneeddadz.org.nz 0 - R Oranga Tamariki Ph: 0508 326 459 www.orangatamariki.govt.nz/ Plunket www.plunket.org.nz S - V Salvation Army www.salvationarmy.org.nz/centres/nz/waikato Union of Fathers 538 Fraser St, Tauranga Ph: (07) 928 4323 www.uof.org.nz W - Z Work & Income New Zealand www.workandincome.govt.nz 0800 559 009 Women's Refuge Ph: 0800 REFUGE www.womensrefuge.org.nz |